Update 1.1.0 | Survivor Mode

Remember the Development Road Map that we’ve posted some time ago? The time has come to introduce the promised Survivor Mode to the game! It’s a special feature for the most seasoned arctic survivalists among you. If you find Hard difficulty all too easy, test the limits of your ability to survive the winter apocalypse in this brand new mode! You can pause the game only by opening a menu – so there is no active pause whatsoever! – and your progress is only saved automatically and on exit, so all your decisions are final. The difficulty level itself is also more rough and demanding – meeting the people’s needs or balancing the delicate economy of your city will be even harder. What’s more: finishing the game in this mode will reward you with some new achievements as well. To start a new game in Survivor Mode, select a scenario and toggle the switch below the customization button.
Survivor Mode Developer Update video:
New features:
- Added Survivor Mode!
- Survive against all odds. There’s no active pause, the game will be very difficult and your progress will be saved on exit only.
- Added achievements for Survivor Mode
- Brand new achievements that you can get only by beating the game on the Survivor Mode!
- Added Ansel SDK integration (Note: Ansel is available for Steam and GOG.com versions only)
- Ansel is a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots and view in 360. Compose your screenshots from any position, adjust them with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share them in 360 degrees using your mobile phone, PC, or VR headset. That’s the theory. In practice, this tool allows you – among other things – to take super cool, high resolution screenshots like this one. You can learn more on the Ansel website.
- Added quick save/load – default F5 and F9
Smaller changes and balancing:
- Constructed streets now more easily connect to already existing street net
- Rebalanced amount of starting resources and resources on frostland for Refugees and The Arks scenarios in easy and hard difficulty setting.
- Hunters will now have to rest for a few hours after coming back from the hunt. It will no longer be possible to send them to other work immediately.
- Added blocking other panels by in-game menu
- Changed extraction rate value for all pickable resources – replaced potential value with all employees by actual value based on efficiency
- It is now possible to bind keyboard shortcuts to “Fast speed” and “Very fast speed” commands
- Increased precision of the gathered Steam Cores amount to 2 digits after comma
- Added emergency shift trackers to pickable resources
- Fixed conditions for Saviour and Iron Saviour achievements
- Fixed certain endlog variations that didn’t display properly when Cannibalism law was passed
- Fixed overlapping trackers on frostland (sites, expeditions, transports, survivors)
- Fixed missing recurring consequences of Emergency Shifts. Watch out when you exert your workforce!
- Fixed showing tutorials after loading save
- Fixed a bug causing snow caps to accumulate on buildings that were just built inside heat zone
- Fixed scrollbars in all expedition building selection panels
- Fixed some translations
- Fixed many UI show/hide animations
- Fixed closing notifications on pause
- Enabled notifications visibility on Frostland
- Fixed queuing unlocked resources on resource bar
- Fixed texts serializations – all texts will be in current language, even after changing language in main menu and loading save
- Fixed calculating average discontent for expeditions
- Fixed states (selected, pressed) for many buttons in selection panel
- Fixed current research description text on workshop selection panel
- Fixed displaying prohibited citizen groups on population panel
- Fixed disabled people outside care house count
- Fixed two crashes that occurred in rare circumstances
- Fixed a bug causing upgraded buildings to overlap adjacent streets
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